So having taken part in a few craft fairs recently I have had a back log of orders to complete. One of which was a buttercup brooch pin that someone asked me to make. It was requested in sterling silver, which is always difficult to enamel in 'warmer' colours as there is a reaction with the silver. However, this one turned out well and I am rather happy with it as the yellow is true to form.
I made it from silver clay and applied the enamel very carefully in thin layers. I decided to torch fire it as I have a little bit more control of the heat and this is how it has ended up!
Buttercups are generally regarded as a weed, but I don't think they are given enough credit - they are a beautiful colour, reminding most of us of lazy summer days holding them under our chins to decide whether we like butter or not.
I am a little bit smitten with this lovely flower so have decided to make a pendant to this space