The Wonder of Spring (part 1)
Well the sun has finally shone in good old Blighty and what a welcome change it is too - suddenly everything has come into bloom and it is spectacular! I love this country when Spring has sprung and Summer is definitely in hot pursuit!
With the warmer weather, all I can hear is birdsong - it's suddenly everywhere!! As I write this I can hear the blue tits and chaffinches (or at least that what I think they are!!) singing away to each other in a high pitched chorus - I wonder what they are saying?
My lavender plants look amazing, which is also a surprise as I did nothing to help them last year. What is so wonderful are all the bees....I love bees and try to encourage these honey monsters as much as I can!
Flowers are blooming marvellous too.....!!
Well that is it from me this week - I now have some inspiration for my work so hopefully I can show you some of it next week!