If You Wish To Find Out More About Me the Maker - Here Are A Few Questions Answered!
I have been making jewellery for about 5 years although I had dabbled a bit before that, but it was all very basic stuff. I have always created something. Many years ago I started out with card making, which I occasionally still do. I loved it, but like all crafts it really did take over! I ended up with so many cards I sold them from the boot of my car at the school gates! Unfortunately, I hadn't heard of Etsy and other sites that I could have listed them on so I ended up selling off all my stock and equipment when my hubby told me to scale it back! How can anyone scale back?? There is always something you need right?! :)
How did you decide on the name MaisyPlum?
When I first started out it was with a friend and we spent weeks coming up with so many different names and eventually decided on MaisyPlum - my daughters name and the nickname of her daughter! It has stuck ever since :)
What's your favourite thing outside of MaisyPlum?
Aside of my family, two dogs and my wonderful friends, it has to be my addiction to the gym! It really is the only thing that can get me moving in the mornings! Until I have jumped around like a loon for an hour or so I am generally pretty useless! My eyes can't focus and it takes me ages to get organised. I never used to be like this but I blame it on age - it is always an age thing! ;)
Do you have a favourite part of your process when creating something new?
This is a great question and I had to think before answering .... I suppose the best part for me is when I come up with an idea and start creating it, to see it actually work out as expected, is something I never tire of. When I am using enamel, that is the part where it can make or break a piece and I am always delighted to see the colours work out as I had hoped.
Do you have any pets that like to interfere when you are trying to craft?
I do have two dogs, Boyce & Trigger! As you can probably tell I was a big fan of Only Fools & Horses! We have toyed with adding Marlene/ Rodney but three is just too many! Trigger is the placid, laid back VERY well behaved Collie cross and has never caused me any trouble. Boyce, however, is a Puggle - Beagle Pug cross and has a very cheeky personality. He is always underfoot as he loves company and whenever he can I will jump onto my lap in the hope that he can get a cheeky cuddle. I have to be careful I don't drop anything as he has a habit of stealing it!
What's the first thing you made - the very first thing? Did you make jewellery when you were a little girl?
The first thing I EVER made was an apron when I was about 8 years old whilst at school. I am not sure I ever finished it properly! It took ages and as we only had a few sewing machines it was a veryyyyy long process. I knew sewing was never going to be my 'thing'.
So what made you start your business? What was the true inspiration behind it all? Was it something you always wanted to do?
I started my business as I was selling a lot of my work at craft fairs and I wanted something to do other than race around after three kids! It worked around their commitments and was a part time option until I had more free time. The inspiration was to make jewellery that you couldn't find on the high street that anyone could wear.
Where do your ideas / inspiration come from?
This is a hard question to answer as all sorts of things spark an idea. I often wake up in the middle of the night having had a lightbulb moment, but I suppose my ideas are based on the colours around me. My 'Reflections' collection is inspired by water and the reflections it throws back at you as well as the different shades the water can be.
How did you learn jewellery making?
I am completely self taught - there is loads still left for me to learn so I watch a lot of you tube videos and I subscribe to some great online teaching websites and I practice.... a lot! I also make loads of mistakes but then if it was easy it would be boring!
Does it take a long time to learn how to do enamelling?
Enameling is one of those mediums that can never get boring. I have loads to learn and a lot of it I never will. There is so much science to it but to learn the basics doesn't take long and it is a great deal of fun.
What has been your most memorable moment as Maisy Plum?
My most memorable MaisyPlum moment has to have been this year in February. I decided I was going to grab the attention of Theo Paphitis of Dragons Den fame and within two weeks I was one of his #SBS (Smallo Business Sunday) winners. I will meet him next year at an awards ceremony at the NEC - I am sooooo excited !
What was the first piece you made?
Do you know... I can't remember! But these earrings were one of the first pieces I made and sold and they are still popular today. If you would like to see them in other colours then check them out here
How do you choose the colours you use?
I think it boils down to how I think each piece will look with a colour and which metal it works with best. Having said that, sometimes I randomly put things together and it either works or it doesn't.
What's your favourite piece made to date?
Oh wow! This is a hard one to answer but I really love making the pictures and my enamel poppy flowers as it really is a bit like art work and they are so very different. Out of all of my pictures these are two of my favourites, probably because I like wildlife!
You can also see other items I have made in the Home Decor section of my store here
Regarding my favourite jewellery made to date......this is really tough but I think it has to be My Reflections Collection. I love the contrast of the enamel against the silver and each piece can be worn for day or night. I wear mine all the time and get many compliments on it. There is always a new piece coming out too so it really has no limits! I have recently started making cufflinks for men too so it really will be a collection for everyone. The 'Reflections' Collection can be found here
Well I hope you have enjoyed reading this and should you have any questions, please feel free to ask away.
Have a great week!