An update on what has been happening at MP HQ! - MaisyPlum

An update on what has been happening at MP HQ!

So since the start of 2017, I have been a busy bee! Not just with making my enamel jewellery but I have a load of builders at my house and so it has been a little chaotic. The good news is that I will have a lovely new workroom which I will gladly show some pictures of next time I blog! 

So with all this going on, I decided after much thought that I would take some of my creations and expand on a few of my designs. Up until now I have just made..stuff! If I have an idea, I create it and up to this point this strategy has stood me in good stead. However, I have now got to the point where there are some items that are definitely standing out as my 'bestsellers' and so I have decided that my job over the coming weeks and months is to expand and really hone these designs into collections. 
One of my most popular items are my flower or poppy brooches. I have been making and selling these for a few years now and I am always introducing new colours. I have since added to the range some teeny tiny flower pendants and soon will be adding earrings and possibly rings too. I hope these prove as popular! I also think that cufflinks will be a great addition for men, but I am still on the fence with that idea.
This doesn't mean that I will stop wildly creating items for my store but it does mean that I shall, at least have some proper collections in place.

One of the hardest decisions for me is deciding on names for collections that I create, which is probably why I have tended not to go there!  I recently launched a competition on Instagram, where, in  order to win a particular pendant, you need to comment with a name that you feel is appropriate for the collection of items in the photo! The winner was chosen on Sunday and after much deliberation and sorting though many great ideas the name that I chose is 'Opalescent.'

This name won over and above all others at I feel it sums up the items beautifully. The colours do become a little opalescent and the silver in the designs does reflect the colour back at you! So THANKYOU @melbrain for coming up with such a worthy name. Why don't you check out her instagram page

She has some wonderful makes of her own on there and is very talented!


Here are some pics of some of the items that can be found in my collection! Visit to order.



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