My Recent SBS Win
Hello Plummies!
It has been a few weeks since I last wrote a blog post and that is because a lot has happened since then!
Now for those of you who are not familiar with twitter, I am an avid fan of this form of social media. I can't remember when I decided I was going to set myself up using it, but it was a few years ago as I recall, maybe three? Anyway, when I took my first steps, I really didn't have a clue what to tweet or how I was meant to use it! I mean it moved so fast, I was limited to what I could tweet and I didn't have any idea if anyone would 'see' me or even be interested! So I did what most people do....I gave up!
About six months later, I decided I would have another crack at trying to work out what all the fuss was about, so I decided to just watch.....I watched everything, hashtags, how they were used, what they were used for, I worked out what twitter parties entailed, and from there I tentatively sent out a few tweets and asked a few questions. Needless to say, my account picked up pace and I have kind of muddled through ever since, gaining some wonderful (virtual) 'friends' and followers along the way!
So roll on to this year....
I made the decision that I was going to make 2017 my year of being noticed and to get my products in front of someone who could make a difference and I decided I would have a proper go at entering Small Business Sunday, otherwise known as #SBS which is run by Theo Paphitis of Dragon Den fame.
Every Sunday small buisnesses are invited to tweet him about their company/ products or servcies between the hours of 5pm-7.30pm. The next evening at 8pm he then chooses six winners which he then tweets to his half a million followers which can be a huge boost for us little online companies. You then become a member of quite a brilliant 'club' of like minded people who are fabulous at supporting each other.
In previous months/ years I have tweeted him on and off but to no avail - I think also, I never really thought my tweets were good enough as you really need to stand out from the crowd!
On the way to a family Sunday lunch, I realised I hadn't scheduled my tweet and set about creating a video showing him a little of what I make and do! I pinged it off to him and thought nothing more about it. It wasn't until Monday evening at about 8.05pm that I heard my phone going mad! I went online to see what was happening and there it was - a truck load of notifications congratulating me on my win and the best one of all was from Theo himself!
Three weeks later I still can't quite believe that my work has finally paid off.
You are probably wondering what difference it has made to me and my little business....well firstly, a huge confidence boost for me as I must be doing something right! Secondly, my followers on twitter have increased by a whopping 1200, which has blown me away! My instagram feed had increased engagement and more importantly, my sales have gone up week on week! I also have a shiny new badge that I can plaster all over my social media platforms!! (please check the top of this post!)
The most exciting part of all of this is that I get to meet him next year and will have my certificate given to my in person by Mr Paphitis at an awards ceremony with pictures taken!! Yikkesss!
So plummies, if you have a budding business of your own, my advice is to get yourselves on twitter - it could make all the difference!
All the best!
Josi xx