Trying My Hand at Needle Felt - MaisyPlum

Trying My Hand at Needle Felt

Happy New Year 


and best wishes for a successful 2017


So, Christmas disappeared in a flurry of activity and pressie opening and as usual too many mince pies were eaten and too much mulled wine was consumed! No wonder I got to the point where I suddenly hit a brick wall of exhaustion! 

In order to relax and unwind we spent our days dog walking, chilling with the kids and ermmmm eating!!!

One thing I was determined to do was to try my hand at Needle Felting. I have always admired this craft and didn't have a clue how to do it, so I ordered a kit and watched a few YouTube videos.

I bought my kit from After doing a search on the internet, this is the one that caught my eye as I thought the Hare was rather cute! It came with a full set of instructions and all the items I would need to create my version of a Winter Hare.


So I set about reading the instructions and then followed them as best I could. I have to say, there is more involved in this craft than I imagined and it is quite time consuming! arm was killing me!! Stabbing at the felt over and over I watched as it matted up and started forming a body (of sorts). I then continued with the legs, ears, head and a tail, until I had all body parts covered.

Attaching the parts together was much easier than I anticipated as I thought everything was sewn together! I couldn't have been more wrong - the same process applies so no needle and thread was required - a huge bonus!

Well here is my first ever attempt! Not bad although he is a little on the skinny side, oh and his legs aren't quite right but I am happy with him as he makes me smile! Next time I won't be so shy with the wool! 


 winter hare needle felt kit

I highly recommend giving this a go as it's a great way to relax and it can be done in front of your favourite film too!! 

Happy needlefelting!



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